

The C in CSS: cascading

Author: Stefano Frasca The Cascade is a fundamental element of CSS: it means that in order to fully understand how an element will be rendered, a developer should be aware of how weight, specificity, and order will affect the process.…

PHP tip: array_diff an array of objects

That’s tricky! Let’s assume we have two arrays like these:

Looking at these few lines I would expect that those two arrays are different but if we compare them with php array_diff function they’re the same:

This happens…

Lightweight controllers everywhere in Symfony

The usual way of defining a controller in a default Symfony installation is by placing it in the src/Controller directory, but there might be situations where you just don’t want to do that. For instance, if you’re using some sort…

TWIG: include VS embed VS macro

There are various types of code reuse in Twig but, what are the differences between them? In this article we’ll explore the differences between include, embed and macro. First of all, some definitions from the documentation: The include statement includes…

Doctrine EntityListener Pills: Comparing old and new values when updating data

You all, at some point, faced the necessity to compare old and new values when storing an entity. Here is where Doctrine EntityListener comes at help. Let imagine you have this User entity

and you want to notify the…