Amazon S3 point in time restore

It’s said necessity is the mother of invention and in this article we’ll show the reason why we initially wrote s3-pit-restore.

Our infrastructure heavily rely on S3 object storage to store the several millions files our users everyday produce. S3 works reliably and everything went well until we were in need for an older copy of a bunch of files for one of our customers.

Fortunately we had versioning enabled on our buckets, but restoring a subfolder to a given point in time revealed harder than expected.

Armed with patience, we explored all the options offered by the S3 web gui and all the available documentation only to understand what we want not to hear: there is no official way to restore a bucket to a given point in time.

Initially we were shocked but, hey! Writing good software is our job, isn’t it?

So we started writing s3-pit-restore. “S3 Point in Time Restore” is a tool you can use exactly to restore a bucket or a subset of a bucket to a given point in time, like this:

s3-pit-restore --bucket my-bucket --dest my-restored-bucket --timestamp "06-17-2016 23:59:50 +2"

What s3-pit-restore actually offers:

  • Restore of all files with timestamp less than the given one
  • Restore of a whole bucket or a bucket prefix
  • Parallel download of multiple files with a great overall speed
  • Customization of parallel workers count to optimize bandwidth usage
  • Restore from s3 bucket versions or from glacier if enabled

We released s3-pit-restore as FLOSS under the terms of MIT licence, you can find it on with more documentation and examples.

Hope this software will serve you as served us!

Matteo Moretti
Matteo Moretti
Articoli: 18

7 commenti

  1. Hi

    Just installed your script and get the following just using the -h switch. Any ideas?

    root@ml2:~# s3-pit-restore -h
    File “/usr/local/bin/s3-pit-restore”, line 83
    print(“Checking bucket versioning … “, end=”, flush=True)
    SyntaxError: invalid syntax

    • Hi Gary,

      It seems like you are trying to run s3-pit-restore with python2.7 when you should use python3. Are you sure to have installed it on a system with python3? Have you installed it with pip3 install s3-pit-restore or python3 install after cloning it?

  2. Does this actually restore a bucket or does it download to a folder for which you then have to recursively re-upload?

    • HI John,

      It downloads a copy of a bucket (or a bucket prefix) at a certain point in time to a folder.

  3. I am trying to configure this using a non AWS s3 bucket. However, I can not figure out how to set up an access key or a secret key. Any thoughts?

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