Categoria React
How does React Router location.state works?
The first time I saw the React Router location.state API, I thought it was a really useful feature, somewhat magical, as is often the case with things we don’t understand. This feature allows you to pass data from one route…
Testing Library Recipes – Choosing Query
As frontend developers, we build software that lives in the browser. The DOM is the abstraction we rely on for creating user interfaces. Thus, testing a web application means making assertions about the DOM and its behavior. Testing Library provides…
Testing Library Recipes – Getting Started
Automated software testing has become a critical organization process within software development to ensure that expected business systems and product features behave correctly as expected. When developing a React.js front-end application, the React Testing Library is the officially recommended tool…
Data fetching con React Hooks
Richiedere dati ad una REST API è una attività comune alla maggior parte delle Single Page Application. A causa dell’asincrona natura delle richieste al server è sempre necessario gestire lo stato della richiesta, quindi la fase di caricamento e la…
Loading Indicator bloccante in React Native Apps
Autore: Stefano Frasca Gli indicatori di avanzamento informano gli utenti sullo stato dei processi in corso, come il caricamento di un’app, lo stato di una richiesta remota, l’invio di un modulo o il salvataggio degli aggiornamenti. Comunicano, inoltre, visivamente lo…