Symfony Day 2016 (Italy, Rome)


Good news mates: we were selected as speakers for Symfony Day 2016 (Italy) that will take place in Rome (tickets available here).

Samuele 6ec359ca87eda89de3251951372a2e8d and Matteo schermata-2016-09-15-alle-08-37-18 sent out their talk proposals and both were picked (checkout program here: all talks are in italian language).

Matteo’s proposal is entitled “Scaling Symfony apps” and will start at 11:00 a.m.

In this talk we’re going to explain what you need to scale a Symfony app. No, neither throw away PHP and embrace NodeJS nor buy bigger and expensive servers. We’re going to focus on four main areas: sessions, php code, database and filesystem. Join us in Rome o watch it later online (videos will be available some weeks after the conference) to know how to properly handle them.

Samuele’s proposal is entitled “A journey into Symfony form component” and will start at 12:25 p.m.

With this talk we try to make forms less complex to understand and use. Samuele will talk about forms in a general way focusing on DTO for forms and why to use them, collections handling, immutable/value and how to use them with forms, form events and data transformers. This talk is suitable for everyone but requires a little knowledge about forms.

For Madisoft that’s not the first time at SFday as speakers: at Symfony Day 2014 (Milan) Matteo makes his debut with a talk named “SaaS con Symfony2 – un caso *molto* concreto di applicazione multitenant” (translated: “SaaS with Symfony2 – a *really* concrete case of multitenant application). You can find slides and video (in italian language).

Madisoft is also proud to be the main sponsor as Symfony Day 2016.

What else? See you there!


Matteo Moretti
Matteo Moretti
Articoli: 18

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