Matteo Moretti

Matteo Moretti

DevMarche: Scaling PHP apps

Martedi 9 Gennaio 2018 Madisoft sarà al Cowo42 di Osimo (AN) per parlare di scalabilità di applicazioni PHP. Partendo da sfide affrontate quotidianamente sul nostro software Nuvola, vedremo come siamo riusciti a scalare con successo l’applicazione per gestire milioni di visite…

Symfony day 2017: BDD and Behat

We are very proud to have taken part at the 2017 Symfony day. Samuele and I spoke about Behat best practices and how to integrate it in your Symfony project. Here are the slides:  Video of the talk will be…

SymfonyDay 2017

If you are a Symfony developer you can’t miss the annual SymfonyDay conference in Italy. It’s always been a great day to listen to interesting talks and do some networking. As Madisoft we strongly believe both in this amazing framework and…

Symfony sharding

In a previous post we’ve seen how leverage Doctrine sharding functionalities. But how can we tell our app to use a specific shard? A common web app has usually at least two sources: http requests and cli commands. Let’s see one at…

Doctrine sharding

In the previous article we explored why sharding by tenant is a very good solution for us. In this article we dig into how to divide our Symfony app by shard. Doctrine We chose Doctrine as our ORM so let’s see what…

Madisoft speaks at AWS Summit

We are very proud to have been invited by Amazon at AWS Summit Milan 2017 as speakers. Our speech will focus on how we’re using AWS RDS to leverage our relation data. As you may already know, our software Nuvola…

Rome AWS Meetup day

Saturday the 15th of October we leaved the comfort of our couches (have we already said we are a distributed team from all around Italy?) to leave to the glorious destination of Rome! The ancient town best known for the…

Scaling Symfony sessions with Redis

In the Scaling Symfony sessions with Memcached article we focused on scaling our Symfony session with Memcached. Memcached is very easy to set-up and use but it lacks of persistence and some other cool stuffs we can find in Redis. What’s Redis?…