Tag frontend
How does React Router location.state works?
The first time I saw the React Router location.state API, I thought it was a really useful feature, somewhat magical, as is often the case with things we don’t understand. This feature allows you to pass data from one route…
Implementing micro-frontends – A path to evolve legacy codebases
Micro-frontends are the present and the future for scaling large client-side applications. Why should you implement this architectural style? Let’s dig into the reasons that led me and my team to adopt it. Working at scale is one of the…
Testing Library Recipes – Choosing Query
As frontend developers, we build software that lives in the browser. The DOM is the abstraction we rely on for creating user interfaces. Thus, testing a web application means making assertions about the DOM and its behavior. Testing Library provides…
JavaScript image compression and resizing
Uploading and downloading images is a very common feature in modern web applications but exchanging files between client and server can quickly become a high resource consuming task. We must also consider that most Internet traffic comes from mobile devices,…
Un nuovo strumento di diagnosi: react-native doctor
Gestire e tenere aggiornato un progetto React Native è notoriamente complesso principalmente per via della natura eterogenea delle tecnologie di cui è composto. Specialmente per chi viene da un profilo web non è facile aggiornare e configurare correttamente le varie…
The C in CSS: cascading
Author: Stefano Frasca The Cascade is a fundamental element of CSS: it means that in order to fully understand how an element will be rendered, a developer should be aware of how weight, specificity, and order will affect the process.…
CSS: position sticky
In questo articolo, tramite un semplice playground, mostreremo il funzionamento della proprietà css position: sticky. Iniziamo gettando le basi del nostro progetto: Fin qui niente di particolare: abbiamo un div contenitore che contiene alcuni blocchi colorati. Il blocco giallo eccede…
Loading Indicator bloccante in React Native Apps
Autore: Stefano Frasca Gli indicatori di avanzamento informano gli utenti sullo stato dei processi in corso, come il caricamento di un’app, lo stato di una richiesta remota, l’invio di un modulo o il salvataggio degli aggiornamenti. Comunicano, inoltre, visivamente lo…